Quite often modern citizens to think, to drink, whether the delivery of the blood, alcohol. Because of the result of the analysis of the further course of the treatment of the people depends. The doctor should be a reliable result of the study. Otherwise you have to either repeat the analysis or the course for the wrong treatment. Properly, the blood on the research, it is necessary to properly prepare. But how, exactly? And to consume whether it is of alcohol before? How many alcoholic beverages will be ejected from the body? Answers to all these questions (and not only) we will explained in detail further below. Actually, the embodiment of ideas in life, takes a Minimum of time and effort. And for the correct preparation of the examination is not difficult.

The influence of alcohol on the body
You can drink alcohol from the blood? It is worth noting that Ethanol has the following effects on the body:
- increased lactic;
- acid increases the concentration of uric;
- increases the triacylglycerols;
- reduces the level of sugar.
Accordingly, this can lead to a distortion of the test results obtained. Doctor, most likely, is a re-modification of the blood.
Bans, or their absence?
So you can drink alcohol from the blood? In theory, Yes. But to note only that in this case, the results of the analysis of the biological material to be implausible.
It is far from the only limitation. The thing is that the results of the blood are influenced by sample by many factors. Therefore, the restriction of alcohol is only one of the rules. Next, we consider the collection, such as the preparation of a blood.
But first, a few words about how much alcohol escapes from the blood. About every person should know.
Anyway, the exact time is difficult to determine. On the speed of the blood is influenced by various factors. For Example:
- sexual identity;
- the age of the Person;
- Type of alcohol;
- General Health;
- the weight of the patient;
- the amount of alcohol consumed drink.
In healthy people, alcohol is faster. Men faster, more drunkenness than women. You can see the approximate time of the elimination of Ethanol from the body. On which indicators are based? How does the alcohol from the blood? Answers will help the following figures:
- Vodka - 4.5 Hours;
- Beer - 40 Minutes;
- Red Wine/Champagne - 1.5 Hours;
- Brandy - 5 Hours;
- Port Wine - 3 Hours.
It is the time of rearing 100 G of the drink of the male body with a weight of 80 kilograms. To remind you, that this is only approximate values. And to think, whether you drink prior to delivery of blood-alcohol, it is better to refrain, the consumption of such beverages.

Categorical Prohibitions
But that's not all. There are a number of cases, in which the consumption of alcohol is forbidden drinks in front of the fence in the blood strictly. What part of it? The following studies:
- HIV;
- on Hepatitis (B, C);
- on Syphilis;
- calcium;
- the analysis of the content of phosphorus in the blood;
- Magnesium;
- on triglycerides;
- Cortisol, Androstenedione;
- to parathyroid hormone;
- on aldosterone.
Alcohol consumption prior to the delivery of the blood, as already mentioned, not recommended. In these cases, to dispense, spirits, long before the implementation of the research.
The analysis on sugar
And I can drink before the blood alcohol if you plan to use the analysis of sugar? As already mentioned, Ethanol is the level of glucose can lower. But also the promotion of sugar in the blood are alcoholic drinks in the location. For several days prior to the examination, all alcoholic drinks must refuse. And of similar products.
Without Restrictions
Blood donation after the alcohol is always prohibited. In some cases, patients nothing about special preparation to this or that research say. For example, this is possible in the following cases:
- before the driver of the public transport on the route;
- in the investigation on the content of Ethanol in the blood.
How many refuse?
A lot of questions to limit how many you have in the alcohol in front of the fence of blood. The answer to this question is not so difficult.
General Preparation
And how the preparation is done on the blood donation? This process requires special attention. It is important, for example, for the donor. Blood donation without special training, leads to wrong analyses. Sometimes because of this people donors are prohibited, the detection of alcohol in blood accurately.
The most accurate results of the study, it is necessary:
- Abstaining from alcohol for 2-3 days;
- do not smoke for at least a day;
- not to sweet, salty, spicy, fatty, fried foods;
- do not overexert;
- to avoid stressful situations.
He came to the lab, man it is advisable to sit quietly for about 10-15 minutes. Next, we consider some useful tips for blood donors. You can drink alcohol, before the delivery of the biological material? No. And Smoking is also prohibited. What are the restrictions and tips to face donor? In the recall of previously studied principles. Donor blood:
- 48 hours prior to the delivery of the stool sample do not drink alcohol;
- do not smoke for at least one hour prior to the donation;
- to eat balanced;
- sleep prior to the procedure;
- in the morning, easy Breakfast (donation of blood is not on an empty stomach);
- come on, the delivery of the Biomaterial in the in a healthy condition;
- up to 2 cups of drinking sweet tea in front of the fence of blood.
- drugs abstain for 3 days to the process.

Remembering all of these rules, blood donors can prevent harm to your health. After the delivery of the biological material requires special attention. It is a responsible thing, the serious, albeit temporarily, the effects on the human body.
The effects of the different types of alcohol in the case of the common cold
Alcohol, depending on the dosage and has different effects on the body (even with colds):
- strong (alcohol content of 21...80%), Cognac leads to a strong intoxication, rapid intoxication, nausea, vomiting;
- medium strength (alcohol content up to 20%), mulled wine also contributes to the drunkenness, but has a gentle effect on the body due to the smaller fortress, and the presence in its composition of vitamins and micro-elements;
- small fortress (alcohol content of not more than 6-8%) — — not recommended as the environmentally friendly alcohol-containing products, but from chard to pronounced positive actions during a cold.
At a high temperature, any alcoholic beverage is perceived by the body as a poison. So to the question of whether you can drink vodka at a temperature of +38°C, the answer is a clear no.
Why can't you drink at high temperatures
- Alcoholic beverages contain ethyl alcohol — toxic substance, the inhibitory function of cells and, therefore, reduced, and no disease weakened protective function of the body.
- Because of the toxicity of Ethanol as a poison, perceived to neutralize them. The body undergoes a heavy burden, at the same time, fighting with the disease and with alcohol intoxication.
- The increase in the temperature is a reaction to the inflammatory process. He can not only due to a catarrhal disease, but also the pathology of a system. In this case, consists of a the risk of rejection of the affected organ is in the use of alcohol.
To drink, alcohol of 38°C at temperatures above +not only undesirable, but also dangerous.
What are the reasons you can cases of alcohol from a drink with a temperature
The intake of alcoholic beverages in small doses (not more than 50 G) is at the first signs of the disease and the body temperature of +37°C, as the person not yet started to take drugs. For medical purposes, the best wine, or . A small dose of these beverages eliminates the vessels of the headaches through the extension of the blood, accelerates the activation of the protective functions of the body and promotes healthy sleep.
On the basis of wine or mulled wine is a delicious hot drink to prepare:
- Dry red wine, pour into a bowl and stir, heat on low heat.
- Add a cinnamon stick, a spoonful of honey and cloves (2-3 pieces), prevent.
- Then, alternately, the lemon zest, ginger, and cardamom to implement.
- You can cook a little and not bring to a boil, remove from heat.

Alcohol relieves Stress
There is a common miss is quite understanding, which is often the reason for alcoholism. Really, a small dose of the spirits, lead to a release of happiness hormones in the blood endorphins. It improves the mood and gives people a feeling of vitality and confidence in yourself. For a while the man forgets about his problems, but you can't solve it in the situation.
The consumption of alcoholic beverages in large quantities leads to a rapid depletion of endorphins and a deterioration of General health due to the toxic effects of the alcohol. In addition, people who frequently consume alcoholic beverages, feelings of guilt, which is associated with their disease, and missed opportunities.
Alcohol improves sleep
A glass of wine or a glass of brandy improves sleep. Also a lot of talk, but there are those who does it often. Really, small doses of alcoholic beverages causes relaxation and slight drowsiness. True, with time this effect disappears.
When the body of the alcohol, and relaxing effect, as well as a solid serving of spirits, in opposite – inspire people. In this state, the person is able to fall asleep, but the sleep rhythm is disturbed, and usually not recover him succeed.
Alcohol stimulates the appetite
This statement is only partially correct. About 20-25 ml of spirits, used 15 minutes before meals, really nerve center stimulates the responsible for Hunger.
But if you drink on an empty stomach alcohol, the harm highly to the body. Alcohol has a stimulating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and the esophagus This causes the development of inflammation, but also promotes the development of ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
Alcoholism can be cured
Unfortunately, to completely cure people of alcoholism is not possible. To drink possible, that the stop of alcohol, but do not make him indifferent to alcohol is not possible. This means that the former alcoholic has to stop drinking alcohol, and even small doses of alcohol can lead to failure. Alcoholism is an incurable disease, because it consists of a always the possibility of relapse, even after prolonged abstinence.
Almost any Party or gathering without alcohol. And this holiday is not always good consequences. Yes, and the evening may be clouded by the fact that in the body too much alcohol. In this article we are going to feel talking about how to properly drink alcohol, well, it is permissible to lower or raise the grade.
The main thing is not to lower grade
By degree of alcohol depends on how you feel in the morning. But this is not the only factor, the influence on their condition. A big role plays the amount of alcohol consumed, the quality and the combination with other beverages. Whether the reduction in degree of alcohol, and why, to understand us. If the body of the alcohol, he expanded to 2 ingredients: ethyl alcohol and acetaldehyde. The second component is a toxic substance. As soon as you are plagues in the body in excessive amounts, it. In the sequence can occur:
- Headache.
- Nauseating and vomiting.
- Irregular Pressure.
- Painful sensations in the heart area.
- Problems with the breathing.
Downgrade degree means that the alcohol is decomposed much faster, promoting the formation of toxic substances. You have absorbed a negative impact on the work of the internal organs and for the work of the major systems of the body, in the blood. In connection with this body double applied shock. This is the main reason, why not reduce the degree of alcohol. From the consumption of carbonated beverages also have to be abandoned. They contain carbon dioxide. If it enters the body, the absorption of alcohol in the blood accelerates. And this is homeopathically a negative impact on the functioning of the liver and other organs.
How to understand that there are problems with alcohol
Regular need for alcohol – it is an opportunity to reflect on, escalated to relax if the desire and relieve Stress in addiction. In fact, it is very scary. Because alcohol can loose you a completely different people – unpleasant, dangerous for the society, hope. The amount of alcohol tax in this case is not sufficient. Attention should also refer to the frequency of use. If within 2 weeks you drink about 400 grams of vodka – to the systematic drunkenness. It is wrong to believe that if the vodka does not replace other drinks, then it's alcoholism. Enough to be associated with it. Calculation according to the formula:
(The fortress of alcohol (percentage) * the amount of alcohol consumed (Milli-liters)):1000 = number of units of alcohol. 1 unit of alcohol = 10 millilitres of pure alcohol.

Talk about alcoholism, you should, if day in the human body comes from 3 units of alcohol. To think about this diagnosis in the following cases:
- Think about alcohol in humans, the mood rises.
- He takes it as a medicine, the calm in the location of tension is resolve.
- In the absence of alcohol, a state, the vicinity of the "break"in the music.
- Under the influence of alcohol in humans, the behavior changes. After weathering out of the body, Aggression, and irritability appear.
Drinking alcohol is right, and to know their measure, you can prevent potential damage to the health. Otherwise, except for the spoiled evening, headache in the morning and vile state in the course of the day, it appears the risk of developing alcoholism.